πŸ’°OTSea Staking


Participants of the staking platform enjoy rewards injections from the fees collected by the project. Users may visit otsea.io/stake to deposit their $OTSEA tokens and begin earning from ETH that has been deposited in the staking pool.

Staking and Waves

Staking periods are referred to as waves, which last 7 days. In order to receive rewards at the end of the current wave, stakers must:

1) Have had their tokens staked before the current wave began

2) Must not have withdrawn their tokens from their stake during the wave

At the end of the 7 day wave, rewards are distributed to all stakers who meet the above requirements, and the next wave will begin shortly afterwards. Users can stake their tokens during an active wave, to begin earning rewards in the following wave.

Wave Rewards

Rewards from token taxes and platform fees are collected during the wave, and at the end of the wave they are distributed to eligible stakers. The full balance of collected rewards is distributed, and can be withdrawn by users only once the wave ends.

Compounding Rewards

Users have the option to compound their ETH rewards, which automatically purchases $OTSEA and stakes it, to take into account in the following wave.

Last updated