Chain: ETH

Max Supply: 100m

Marketing Allocation: 10%

Uniswap LP: 90%

$OTSEA Holder Perks

1) Staking Protocol

Holders are able to stake their $OTSEA to benefit from rewards injections.

2) Reduced Platform Fees

Holding at least .2% of the $OTSEA supply grants users a substantially reduced platform fee. This is our whale perk.

Including this fee was very important to us, since a big reason for the existence of this platform is to reduce market volatility across the market by encouraging whales to sell over the counter instead of on the charts. And thus, we want to make it attractive for whales to use the platform, especially as the same % fee "hits different" when the sum is larger.

Example: 1% of $100 (1$) feels negligible, while 1% of $1,000,000 ($10k) feels like a lot to pay for a transfer fee, even though the percentage is the same.

Last updated